Create dignified elderly care with room for caring
People are generally living longer and generally need care later in life than previously. Those citizens who are allocated a room in a nursing home are, however, regardless of how old they are, still typically deeply dependent on care and assistance from carers.
There is a disconnect here however, given that the number of caring hands in elderly care has dropped. So how is dignified elderly care, where there in room for and time to create good expereiences for the individual, ensured? And where carers at the same time do not have to compromise with the execution of practical tasks.
The answers are flexibility and quality
There are several answers to this question, but one of the answers is that by investing in the right assistive devices, the nursing home can give the carers more time; time that could be spent on personal contact with citizens and other important care tasks contributing to a more dignified elderly care.
Also, by investing in flexible solutions, the nursing home helps the residents to become more independent and to play a bigger role in their own care. This is precisely something that will contribute to dignified elderly care and ageing.

Spend less time in the bathroom and have time for good experiences
There is no excuse for neglect and neglect of care, but there may be several reasons why it can be difficult for nursing home personnel to manage to do everything in the period of time they are given. For example, inappropriate assistive devices or the positioning of them means that the work around the citizen's personal care takes more time than necessary - time that cannot be spent on caring for other citizens or on creating good experiences for the individual.
By investing in the correct assistive devices and designing the bathroom in an appropriate way, carers will have more time. The less time spent on laborious procedures in the bathroom in connection with showering and toileting, the more time there will be for other daily activities that benefit both the carers and the citizens.
Quality of life and independence go hand-in-hand
If the correct assistive devices are installed, not only is the work made easier and less time-demanding for the care personnel; the correct assistive devices can also make life better for the elderly citizen.
Many elderly citizens encounter different and frustrating challenges every day. Often, the frustration is connected to people’s basic desire to doing things themselves. Independence and self-reliance is important in all phases of life and the desire for independence never disappears even though it becomes more and more difficult to manage basic activities oneself. Therefore, assistive devices that are installed in nursing homes and assisted living facilities should contribute to increased self-reliance for the elderly citizen. Self-reliance and quality of life go hand-in-hand.
Silkeborg Municipality in Denmark and Pressalit have collaborated on creating a solution for the nursing home, Marienlund. Hear more about the solution and the process in the video below.

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