We provide a 10-year guarantee
Quality is of paramount importance to Pressalit. That's why we provide a 10-year guarantee on your new toilet seat.
Your Pressalit toilet seat is subject to a 10-year product warranty against presentation of receipt. You should contact the dealer or store where you purchased the seat in the event of a complaint.
In the event of complaints about defective materials and/or manufacturing defects and/or functional limitations ascertained within a 10-year period, following proper use and cleaning of the toilet seat (we reserve the right to examine the toilet seat at our factory), Pressalit will deliver spare parts or replace the toilet seat by an identical or similar model.
If the color is no longer available, Pressalit reserves its right to replace the toilet seat by a similar model in the color white. Upon replacement or delivery of a spare part, the warranty period will not be extended nor renewed. If replacement is not possible, Pressalit may instead refund the purchase price.
Guarantee content
If in doubt as to how the guarantee covers your purchase, please contact us.