
Changing Places
Standard accessible toilets do not meet the needs of all people with a disability.
Shower and changing tables
Pressalit offers a range of high quality, fixed or power adjusted showering and changing tables designed to provide a stable platform suitable for changing adults and children in a variety of settings: schools, day care centres, institutions, hospitals and private homes.
When choosing a changing or showering table for Changing Places, BS8300 requires that the bench is height adjustable, at least 1800 mm long and capable of lifting 200 kg.
Toilet lifter
The aim is to make it as easy as possible for users to get on and off the toilet during daily use. The aim is also to make the carer‘s work easier, and make the process comfortable and dignified for the user. To ensure good hygiene by making cleaning easier. But creating an attractive and inviting environment is also key.
BS8300 states that it is an advantage if the support arms positioned either side of the toilet in a Changing Places facility are height adjustable.
Lifter for sinks
When different people need to use a sink, it is practical if the height can be individually adjusted. Pressalit‘s powered sink lifters in the SELECT series are perfect for bathrooms in hospitals and nursing homes. For Changing Places, BS8300 recommends the provision of a large powered height adjustable basin.
With its simple and clean visual expression, the sink lifter blends in naturally in an inviting bathroom, without compromising on design, safety or functionality.