Flexible solutions at Bytoften
The independent institution Bytoften is a home and activity center for adults (appr. 18 – 60 years of age) with physical disabilities and/or brain injury. The objective of the center is to create a social as well as development-oriented environment for the residents. At the same time, Bytoften aims to be an attractive workplace with satisfactory working conditions and with a high level of professionalism.
The Bytoften home and activity center is located in a newly built high-rise building. The building contains 28 modern two-room apartments whereof 22 are used for sheltered residences on a permanent basis. On the ground floor there is a day centre, Oasen, as well as a fitness room which is used for physiotherapy sessions. On the 6th floor there are further training facilities available.

To create functional and comfortable bathrooms which support the different needs of the residents at the institution.
To create optimal working conditions for the care personnel working at Bytoften.
Flexible and ergonomical solutions which are horisontally and vertically adjustable.
The flexibility creates optimal space for mobility aids and possible carers who may be needed in the room.
A safe working environment where correct work postures are possible because of the flexibility of the solutions.
An effective utilization of the space available in the bathroom as well as an adherence to official requirements of authorities.